© Juliana Höschlova
5. bis 21. Juli 2017

Juliana Höschlova & Sujin Lim


Material Talk mit Juliana Höschlova:  11. Juli 2017, 18.00 Uhr, Atelier Schillerstraße

Juliana Höschlová hat im Archiv der Landesbibliothek alle Ausgaben der Tageszeitung Steirerkrone im Jahr der Flüchtlingskrise 2015 durchgesehen. Sie hat ausgewählte Bilder und Texte aus den Berichten der Tageszeitung in das Medium der Schwarz-Weiß-Zeichnung transformiert, die sie in einer Performance über den europäischen Alltagsrassismus präsentieren wird.

Für die Ausstellung Vanished Land zeigt Sujin Lim ein Video aus der Serie The Crude Sceneries und die Installation Collected Landscape. Thema ist das „Ausgraben“ sozialer und politischer Leitmotive, die den Landschaften eingeschrieben sind. In ihren Arbeiten liest Sujin Landschaften und menschliche Beziehungen anders und entwickelt so künstliche Landschaften als Geschichten, um das Unsichtbare sichtbar zu machen.

In the archive of the Styrian State Library Juliana Höschlová has gone through all editions of the daily newspaper Steirerkrone of the year of refugee crisis in 2015. She transformed selected texts and images from the reports in the daily newspaper into the medium of black and white drawing. These drawings she presents in a performance on the everyday racism in Europe.

For the exhibition Vanished Land, Sujin Lim presents a video of The Crude Sceneries and the installation piece Collected Landscape. The works are about unearthing the social and political leitmotifs inherently embedded in landscapes. In her pieces, Sujin re-reads landscapes and human relationships and creates artificial landscapes as stories to make the invisible visible

Juliana Höschlová, born 1987 in Prague, is a multi-media-artist based in Prague. She received her degree from the conceptual studio at the Academy of Fine Arts in Prague. Mostly she works with drawing, video, performance and installation. Her works were exhibited in institutions such as Taipei VT artsalon, Tam Tam art gallery Berlin, Buňka gallery Ústí nad Labem, Karlin Studios Prague, MeetFactory Prague, Czech National Gallery Prague, as well as Pavillion Gallery Prague.

In 2010, Höschlová won the Art Award of the Czech National Gallery. In 2010, she realized a project mapping the contemporary art scene in Taipei. Recently, she has been working on the Návštěva (“Visit”) project representing video art with the focus on critical thinking.

Juliana Höschlová received the grant St.A.i.R. Styria Artist in Residence, from the Region of Styria. From May to July 2017 she is working in Graz with Akademie Graz und Atelier Schillerstraße.

Sujin Lim, born 1979 in Seoul (South Korea), develops site-specific interventions and performances on sociopolitical stages and attends these with a research based video-documentation. The interventions were performed f.e. at Freedom Square in Teheran, at Sappo Paper Mill in Maine, in the Old Town of Winterthur. Her works were exhibited a.o. in institutions such as The Delaware Contemporary, DOK Documentation Centre for Modern Art in St. Pölten, MaximGorki Theater in Berlin, Marke 6. Neues Museum in Weimar and Seoul Museum of Art in Korea.

In 2016, Sujin Lim won the Dave Bown Projects 12th Competition Award of Excellence and the KARA Award. In 2014, her work has been selected for the IV Moscow International Biennale for Young Art in Museum of Moscow. 

Sujin Lim received the grant St.A.i.R. Styria Artist in Residence, from the Region of Styria. From May to July 2017 she is working in Graz with Akademie Graz.

Eine Kooperation von St.A.i.R. Land Steiermark, Akademie Graz und EEZA.
Eine Gemeinschaftsausstellung von Juliana Höschlová und Sujin Lim im Rahmen des Styrian-Artist-in-Residence Programms des Landes Steiermark.

09. Jänner 2025, 19.00 Uhr

Akademie Graz

13. Februar 2025, 17.00–19.00 Uhr

Akademie Graz

06. März 2025, 19.00 Uhr

Akademie Graz

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